It's been about 1 year since I have not published here, though there is much that I could tell you. As some of my meets. Lover of photography, I found myself on deviantArt. I admit that since this blog it took a little dust in favor of my dA publications. Even some of enter you asked me if I would still write here. That all because of my naughty proscrination!

Today is my birthday! And yes it's been 6 years since I'm on SecondLife. I realize my avatar has changed over the years from all this time. It's the same for my own personality. The idea of self, every adventure and every person you meet, slowly change you...
Currently, I'm in a Swiss prison naming "Champ Dollon", it's small and cozy place.
It for a short time to see if I like this roleplay sim. Just few days left to get my freedom again.
While I eat cupcakes secretly in my cell, I embrace you all and soon promises soon more posts! Otherwise, I'll try!
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